Nice game
It's too long but it's overall a good game. I salut you!
Nice game
It's too long but it's overall a good game. I salut you!
Hehe i'm english and like anger management :)
Lol made me feel better. If you ever do one like this again.. maybe because of the upcoming world cup. Make levels, each level you have to reach a certain score and maybe speed upgrades? Heh well good game in ways :)
The game is shit and we know it. It did only take 6 hours to make though.
If you want to support England. Play our new game
So simple and so fun!
Lol these simple games are the best. Guess what i'm gonna go play with my friends :)
Not bad
I would say it is a good game.
I know you
You make really stupid games. The only good ones i can remember are hitman and the ultimate game. Even so there poorly done.
As for this game, needs work you're lucky it didn't get blammed
lol i don#t like you lol
Nice, simple and fun!
This was very enjoyable :)
I love these kinda games! You're all gonna be under my favourate authors! (If that's spelt incorect i give you permission to slap me)
I like games where you type :)
Lol nice game. You're a good flash artist.
Yey! Great game!
I love this game, i came 25th in the high scores i got like 23000 points :D
I'll soon get knocked off >:O
This is added to my favourate list. I gotta go back on the game and protect my title!
Heh, below average
Good enough to not get blammed but it isn't that good.
Why are you looking at my profile?
St. marys
Joined on 3/24/06